ENGIE, Carmeuse, and John Cockerill join forces to reduce industrial CO2 emissions in Wallonia
A new carbon capture project in Wallonia, Belgium seems set to save the better part of a million tonnes of CO2 emissions over its first ten years of operation. The Columbus project, the largest of its kind in the world,…
Cyber Resilience in Electricity: Securing the Value Chain
We are delighted to share the WORLD ECONOMY FORUM’s latest publication to which our colleague, Olivier Vandelaer contributed, “Cyber Resilience in the Electricity Ecosystem: Securing the Value Chain”.
On-demand webinar | Installations SCR deNOx pour les incinérateurs de déchets
La première partie du webinaire sera consacrée aux installations neuves. Nous partagerons des conseils relatifs à la conception et aux spécifications techniques. Dans le contexte actuel, la législation concernant les émissions, et en particulier les NOx, devient de plus en plus…
On-demand webinar | Make your installations and pipelines hydrogen-ready
Hydrogen is a prime candidate for sustainable fuel of the future. The Hydrogen roadmap Europe published by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking in 2019, predicts that large-scale decarbonization in transport, industry, and buildings will rely significantly on…
On-demand webinar | Cybersecurity – Are you ready for the Belgium NIS Law?
The Belgian Network and Information Systems law (“Belgian NIS law”) poses many requirements and questions for all concerned in the energy sector. Based on the experience gained in the German NIS implementation, this 1-hour webinar will explain these obligations, answer…
Webinar | Improving lubricating oil testing and monitoring
A lubricating oil analysis is often carried out on a turbine just because it’s a fixed procedure as part of a standard agreement with the OEM. But it could be unnecessary because OEM testing schedules are often generic, and don’t…
On-demand webinar | How to optimise your gas turbine outage?
Is it possible to reduce the cost of gas turbine maintenance without compromising on safety or quality? Yes, it is. In this 55-minute webinar, we tell you how.
Webinar | Preparing for the hydrogen transition
Hydrogen is a prime candidate for sustainable fuel of the future. The Hydrogen roadmap Europe published by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking in 2019, predicts that large-scale decarbonization in transport, industry, and buildings will rely significantly on…
El Aguila Solar Test and Innovation Centre
Take a look at how El Aguila Solar Test and Innovation Centre, driven by ENGIE Research and designed and operated by ENGIE Laborelec, provides a vital link between R&D and more competitive future PV operation.