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Event | Accelerating the carbon-neutral Energy Transition


ENGIE & IERE are coming together in a unique event in November 2023 that brings together industries, start-ups, research and territories. Do not miss the opportunity to join us in person in Singapore to discuss how to accelerate the Carbon-Neutral Energy Transition for all actors.

Info about the event
Info about the paper’s call

Accelerating the Carbon-Neutral Energy Transition for Industry and Territories

Carbon-Neutral Energy Transition is no longer a new concept, however its implementation is accelerating and if we want to reach imposed targets, it needs to accelerate even more. How does one cope with this acceleration, which are the technologies to chose and how to enter new markets in this ever evolving concept. These are some of the questions that we will try to address in this in person event.

Call for papers

We invite experts and researchers to submit their papers before July 23, 2023 to get the unique chance of sharing their work with colleague and peers of the energy sector. All papers will be reviewed by a scientific comity for selection. The call is open to IERE member and non-members so do not hesitate to come forward and seize the opportunity to make your voice heard.

The 23rd IERE General Meeting and Singapore Forum

This 3 days forum will gather prominent experts from diverse technological fields who will present the most advanced findings in their domain as well as share Return on Experience. This event will be the occasion for all actors of the energy sector, to discuss and debate ideas, challenges and concerns for the upcoming years and decades. Universities, territories, top edge industries and start-ups are welcome to join and share their view and approach on the topic.

Practical info

Date: 21-24 November 2023
Location: Singapore
Duration: Three days


The forum is spread over three days, and will mix talks, workshops, round tables as well as networking moments. The two first days are dedicated to presentations and exchanges around specific themes while the third day will be dedicated to a site visit.Among the selected themes we have :

How to accelerate Learning by Doing?
Circularity & Energy Efficiency
Renewable Energy & Electrification
Flexibility of the Energy System

About IERE

IERE is a worldwide, non-profit organization – established in 1968 as International Electric Research Exchange – serving executives, senior managers, engineers, and researchers who are responsible for electricity and energy related R&D and solutions. They represent:

  • the electricity & energy supply industry
  • the equipment providers
  • energy associations
  • academic researchers
  • government
About IERE
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