Panels with embedded lenses
to revolutionize PV industry

Facts and figures
16 partners, including universities
and industries from 9 countries.
48 months, starting in September 2019
Budget: 13.53 M€ of which 10.59 M€
EU H2020 public funding.
In short
How must Europe’s PV industry address foreign competition? The HIPERION R&D project is working on mass production of a promising technology that uses PV panels with embedded lenses to concentrate sunlight on multijunction solar cells.
The technology has been extensively demonstrated with outdoor tests and pilot installations. It must be now industrialized for mass production so that manufacturers can integrate it in their existing production lines.
During the project, a solar manufacturer is conducting a detailed financial evaluation of integrating the technology into the production line. Several solar project developers are assessing the technology from the perspective of the rooftop and utility market segments.
With its novel PV module architecture and innovative manufacturing processes, HIPERION has the potential to drastically reduce solar electricity costs by significantly boosting efficiency compared to both conventional and concentrated PV. It will ultimately strengthen the European solar power industry’s competitiveness.