Webinar | A safe and effective technique for SCR catalyst cleaning
Are you facing boiler load limitations due to excessive pressure drop across the SCR? Are you worried about catalyst erosion and high ammonia slip, and their impact on your deNOx system’s total cost of ownership? And do you need a safe and effective high performance cleaning system to unplug your SCR?
The 55 -minute webinar introduces Laborelec’s unique proprietary high performance cleaning methodology that goes beyond simply “cleaning” the SCR. It defines clear action points to eliminate plugging causes or mitigate its consequences while helping keep your catalyst going for longer—and all without risking further damage!
Watch this webinar as we break down the cost implications of catalyst plugging and its repercussions for catalyst lifetime and total cost of ownership. You’ll come away with a comprehensive appreciation of our novel solution and how it can benefit your operation.
If you’re a plant operator looking for an advanced solution to maintain your SCR catalyst, this webinar is your gateway to a smarter approach. Let’s explore this pioneering technique together.

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