Raising awareness
3D Printing of Metal Components What’s in it for you or your company?
A training course to help participants reflect on the value of 3D printing (additive manufacturing) for their business, with a focus on metal printing and the selective laser melting process.
The course is a 3-step journey starting with training on key aspects of 3D printing (market situation, metal powder characterization, software tools, process parameters and best practices), followed by an interactive technology assessment session and a hands-on session leading to the production of functional prototypes.
The course is aimed at all engineers, as well as technical
or procurement managers, who would like a clearer understanding of whether metal 3D printing could open up valuable opportunities for their companies.

Raise Awareness
training to introduce participants
to additive manufacturing.
Think and interact
Interactive groups carry out additive
manufacturing feasibility studies
for selected components in your company
Prototype and Implement
Hands-on scanning and print jobs
on your components using
industrial additive manufacturing machines