With the exponential growth in the number of LED lamps and luminaires on the market, it can be difficult to distinguish good products from bad ones. Laborelec’s accredited and manufacturer-independent Lighting Department conducts tests and measurements on all light sources for industrial, tertiary, and street lighting applications. We also carry out audits, provide expert advice, and provide technical specifications.
Independent and neutral lighting advice
You need to rely on the unbiased opinion of a renowned expert. This is precisely what Laborelec provides. We are independent from manufacturers and have no commercial gain resulting from recommendations to clients.
ISO 17025 accredited lighting tests and calibrations
Only an accredited laboratory can guarantee quality tests. Laborelec’s Lighting Laboratory is accredited to carry out tests in compliance with the ISO 17025 standard. We are also accredited for the calibration of lamps and measuring equipment.
Lighting equipment performance requirements for buyers and manufacturers
We carry out tests for all players in the lighting market. As a buyer or project developer, you may question whether certain lighting products meet your specifications. As a manufacturer or importer, you need objective proof that your equipment meets all performance requirements.
Lighting installations ISO 9001 certificate of approval
Energy-efficient studies of lighting installations, calculation and dimensioning of new installations according to the demands of the applicable standards, determination of the lifetime and lumen depreciation of lighting systems, Measurement of photometric and energetic performance of street lighting installations. ISO 9001 certificate
ENGIE Laborelec is fully equipped to carry out ENEC+ performance tests in accordance with the following standards:
- IEC 62717 2 LED modules for general lighting – Performance requirements
- IEC 62722-1 Luminaire performance – Part 1: General requirements
- IEC 62722-2-1 Luminaire performance – Part 2-1: Particular requirements for LED luminaires
ENEC+ mark stands for the testing of LED luminaires in order to verify and validate the operational characteristics specified by the manufacturer.